Monday 25 May 2020

Covid 19 and Teaching-Learning

Its been long to come back searching for my own blog after a while!
Covid-19 halted all of us as if it was "statue you" by the State. Lock Down after Lock Down- 1.0 to 4.0 so far and no sign of opening up. Everyone in their HOUSES not sure if Homes truths could sustain itself for such a long time!
Work For Home and Work From Home...Life is a routine of same cycle day in day out. Clean-Cook-Clean-Cook and work like Robots attending Webinars after webinars! People's spree for Certificates and showing those on social media handles besides their food plates provides new benchmarks in social media communication. 
Comic relief was when i called for a meeting of my dissertation students and the joy that i saw on their faces talking to me made my day. No doubt the work is at snail pace but the face to face Zooming helped them to reconnect to the reality.
Today i read and was reminded of this blog of mine (and relevance of it in Covid Times) so coming back.......
As teachers we go to class day in and day out. Most often, lately i have started saying after being into Post Graduate classes with varied number of students (about max 30 to minimum 5) for 20+ years now that the class is not about education, nor about teaching, nor about learning. It's about connecting with each other and reminding each other that there is a world out there which still needs this classroom because it is only in the classroom that we would help, listen, empathize, tolerate, support and still shout, occasionally fire, dismiss or trouble EACH OTHER.
Technology increasingly is suggesting that it can do wonders only if humans using them have human hearts. The webinars after webinars taught me how critical it is to communicate and not just "Show PPT or Ask Question" because we are in a process of becoming machines itself IF NOT helped by EACH OTHER :)   

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